Friday, November 23, 2012

It´s nothing against English, but I think that the university should give the opportunity of choose language, it`s true that English is a language used for many countries, if you talk with a foreign the most likely thing is that the communication to be in this language, then is so good it can practice in class, because I forgot pronounce some words, I can learn new words through vocabulary exercises (I refer use words in the correct context), also the listening serve as a base for conversations with a gringo or British people, as they speak very fast, sometimes is difficult hear everything.
I think that writing helps remember it learned, in blogs I tell things about me in English, this allows to manage everyday subjects, the routine and likes. However, in my opinion the people don`t write formal English, at least in United States.
Clearly, I need improve hearing, I don´t understand why, if I listen English music, besides I watch TV programs everyday, also movies. Maybe, because the listenings are specific situations.
I have a trauma when I speak English. I have been in United States, I went to museums, malls and parks and when someone talk to me, I speak in English without difficulty. But I get aunts and uncles` house I can`t, I think for "bullying" by Latino cousins, I say Latino because my cousins that born there, they help me to speak well the language. Unlike my Chilean cousins that live in US years ago, they´ve teased of my English, as if they speak a perfect English. In my family almost all speak this language, I would like speak them in English, because they talk me in English but I answer in Spanish, except with my gringo or american cousins.
I will do English exercises in web pages, I want review grammar for exam.      

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Between two options

Still, I am not sure what job, I know that I must work next year barely I will graduate. If is for the degree, I would like to be cultural manager or art critic.

I like cultural management because it´s a dynamic work, is very sociable, but you have meetings all day, your phone ring non stop, time flies, finally you´re exhausted. It has good things: organize or plann cultural events is entertaining because you should look all details, for example if is a band festival, I should invite music bands, do the schedule, and contact a technical equipment, or rather, means to be part fo production. Also, it´s in charge of economic, how much it will cost the festival, the spend money in resources and pay bands. 
It´s within art market. 
In Chile, the cultural manager helps develop art projects, with the objective of win any monetary fund (state or business association), as well known FONDART.

On the other hand, I love the aesthetic, therefore I would like to be art critic of Performing Arts, I like wrinting about plays. I think that the press (above all newspapers) publishes summing up of plays, not a point of view. There are art magazines, however have limited cultural diffusion.

In general, inside artistic environment you need contacts, I know because when I worked in a cultural center, the people was relative of politicians or elite, then most people didn´t study art. They won more than a million pesos, thus my salary could be that number as cultural manager.
I have no idea how much earn an art critic, I suppose that the same, if I work in famous national newspaper in the culture and arts section.
I can´t compare both cases, because are two different things.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I think that it´s difficult talk about the guilty pleasures, is a topic that to produce shame.
In my case:
1. I dance tektonic when there is electro music, sometimes at parties, it´s funny, are fast movements, is similar to breakdance but isn´t a robotic dance.
2. I like play a little accordion, is a instrument for childrens, I love it, althought I would like to buy a real accordion, first I need a teacher.
3. Since chilhood, I dipped cookies in the tea, if are "galletas de vino" far better. My family hate me when I do that, my mom says "Galia, here not please"
4. Every time I go to downtown Santiago, ALWAYS I buy a strawberry juice, and I order the seller that she puts much sugar to juice, she knows me, like that I came and the juice is ready.
5. When I like a movie, after I learn the screenplay, as if I were the actress.
I don´t have more guilties pleasures, at least that I remember. But, when I was girl I had several:  I banged the heater with a big spoon, I scratched walls of living room, I hanged of stair, I played with mom´shoes, I rode a bycicle for a slope near my house, etc.

Friday, October 26, 2012

When I was at school, I remember taught me about environment in biology class, I learned with activities as draw “the well-being of the planet”, protect the environment and recycling process.  Also, I saw impact litter in documentaries, the plastic discompose slowly, after many years.
I live with my mother, and We recycle plastic bottles or soda can, we separate the bottles or cans of regular trash and We go to "special" trash can in supermarket for throw away there.
I like ride my bicycle for short distances or I walk, instead of use car. I live away from city, then even farther away from university, even so I take bus. 
Once I was march of "Salvemos Punta de Choros" because a friend asked me accompany him, I knew about many environmental organizations, ecological groups that to fight for a cause, in this case the animals. Some friends are vegetarians because if you eat meat, they say you are against animals and they have a ecological speech. I think it´s not necessary be "vegano" for protect animals, I understand that exist violence in circus, milk´s company when it apply electricity to cows, whale hunt, etc. It´s criminal actions, but if I decide I don't eat meat, ¿help something?. 
The people become aware about environment because actually is informed of damages for planet, there is ecological fairs with differents stands, where you can learn to recycle, make vegetable garden, bury organics waste. 

Friday, October 12, 2012


Joseph Beuys was a German artist, sculptor, performer and theorist and pedagogue of art. In the Second World War, he participated in Nazi Party, he went to Crimea, and in this place he had a plane crash, later he returned to Kleve with his parents. He retired of Nazi militancy because he became artist.
I like his performances, for example “I like America and America likes me”, Beuys interacted with one coyote, in RenĂ© Block Gallery (New York), for three days. It has been dialogue between he and animal, he used some elements: a felt thick and staff. The coyote watched him, while Beuys coated with felt, until they got along. This performance shows the survival, because coyote is an American animal, so Beuys related with “the primitivism or the nature symbol” opposed to superpower politics of U.S.A.
Also he proposed the shamanism in his artworks, the art is something curative for people, above everything post World War, cause of many deaths, he thought that across performances he could cure society. Therefore, he explained a new concept of art about “anybody could be artist”, if there were actions representing ideas from visual arts, different techniques together with a body in movement. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Marina Abramovic

"Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present"

The article exposed about documentary " The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic", or rather, one of her performances in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York two years ago. According to Salomons, it`s a excellent documentary because explains about performance art and retrospective work of Abramovic, she is a famous performer, because she had many years`s experience in this field. 
The movie was realized by Matthew Aker, it shows the performance named "The Artist Is Present", she sat for seven and half hours, every day, for three months, on a chair  without food or water, gazing into the eyes, expressionless, of audience memebers and vistitor who sat opposite her, gazing back. Also, it talks about relationship with Ulay, another performer, sometimes they do performances together. 

It`s very interesting for me, because I like performance art, the use of body as artistic material. Marina Abramovic is known for masochist practices inside her performances, many cuts, blood, etc. But, in "The Artist Is Present" she was still, only sat looking to visitors, her resistance is notable, the longest duration. In MoMA, while Abramovic presents the performance, besides there was exposition with documenting of she. Her action seems simple, I think that is a awkward situation sit in front of Marina, she stares you. 
In my career never I learn about perfomance art, because here the teachers are very conservatives, not so in Theater Faculty. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

"Noviembre" is a film about a theater company made up by a group of friends, who want to act only in the street so that people can see theater for free. There is a political speech in front of capitalism, especially art market.
The reaction of spectators is funny because they don´t think that "Noviembre" (the name of company) act in public without being paid; actors don´t receive any money. The trouble is that they act without permission, then the police arrest the actors, they must often go to prison. Later, this company is famous and some producers want to sign them up, but they refuse anything related with money or acting inside a Theater.
It inspires me, because I think that drama is very exclusive through tickets, it`s expensive for general public. Concurrently, the state forbid artistic or cultural expressions in the street, it would be terrorism, so it`s complicated to do street theater in Chile, there is a repressive formality about all details of shows, places and time for permission. The movie "Noviembre" is an example of opposition to an economic system of art, moreover it exhibits a gesture of solidarity with the society, anybody has the possibility to see free theater.