Friday, June 15, 2012

something about Darwinian theory

Denis Dutton talks about the question “ What is beauty?”, he says the people like things as Starry Night by Van Gogh, plays of Chejov, novels, etc. withouth to know why. Then, Denis answers based in Darwinian Theory, because the experience of beauty derives of Darwinian adaptions in human evolution, specifically in two mechanisms: natural selection and sexual selection. The first explains our tastes, fears and pleasures. The second is for survival and reproduction. 
Also, the interest for landscapes because this is a visual experience fascinating.
Finally he refers to art, it began in Prehistory with the earlist human artworks, for example cave paintings or sculptures.The skills, symmetry and materials, in tools is not for hunt or attack, so these objetcs are works of art. Our aesthetics points of view came from thousands of years, therefore we like this prehistoric pieces. 

I agree with Denis that our tastes are conditioned by the culture in which we live, because sometimes is inexplicable the universal aesthetic, I understand it´s something genetic with the Darwinian theory. Although, I think the subjectivity is different for each one, if we like the same things, and it wouldn´t be cultural diversity in the world. 
In my case, the food is a problem for me, I am “mañosa” (I´m sorry I couldn´t translate), I don´t like chocolate, but most people love it. 


  1. I can`t believe, i love the chocolate is one of the most greats pleasures of the life

  2. I impressed with this information too. Is a good presentation, isn't it?
    * And... don't you like chocolate? Why? Is the most delicious thing in the world *¬*
